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Choose Remote Video Counselling.

What if counselling was as effective through video conference?
Video Counselling with Dean Richardson uses Skype or Google’s Hangouts.
Video counselling is ideal for individuals, couples (who can use two video devices) and groups (who can use one device each) who wish to access Dean Richardson’s particular counselling services… but who are unable to travel weekly into Portsmouth & Southsea (Hampshire).
Taking up Skype/Hangouts video counselling with a qualified, experienced counsellor can be your ideal solution to counselling when a particular therapist or therapist’s specialities have been recommended to you… but travel and distance is prohibitive.
Plus – Skype/Hangouts Video Counselling with Dean Richardson is also slightly cheaper due to there being no room-hire costs within the fees (see Dean Richardson’s counselling session rates).
Skype/Hangouts Video Counselling.

A typical problem with using the Internet to search for a specific counsellor who suits your needs is that you find someone who appears to be just right for you and they’re too far away to travel to regularly.
When travelling and hour or more is simply not possible , Skype/Hangouts Video Counselling is an alternative to consider. The form of counselling that Dean offer works best with regular, weekly attendance – rather than having ad-hoc sessions. One can end up choosing a counsellor who is closer to your location – but who was perhaps not your first choice.
Skype/Hangouts Video Counselling provides the following benefits:-
- Access the therapist from your home or office (or anywhere where you can spend a quiet 50 minutes somewhere safe).
- Use video conferencing so that you can see the therapist (and he see you).
- For couples who are away from each other (eg different cities or even countries) – Video Couples Counselling allows a therapist to intervene in remote relationships that are under stress.
- Skype/Hangouts can be used on many camera-enabled devices: PC, Mac, Smartphone (Wifi recommended for video calls).
- Using the Skype/Hangouts service is free of charge to use (not including any broadband costs).
For more information about the Video Services themselves, see:-
- Skype: http://www.skype.com.
- Google Hangouts: http://www.google.com/+/learnmore/hangouts/
What’s Involved in Video Counselling?
It’s simple – it’s pretty much the same counselling processes as in Individual counselling ( see here ) and Couple counselling ( see here )… in that the same boundaries & framework applies.
The main differences are that we will use Skype or Hangouts as the audio and visual & audio communication medium, rather than meeting face-to-face, and that you become responsible for your safety and privacy during the session (e.g. using a safe, confidential room) instead of the counsellor being responsible.
Similar therapeutic boundaries still apply: we will still connect weekly at the same day and time of the week, sessions are still 50 minutes and we will still ensure that we are not interrupted during our time together.
Shortly before the time of our session:
- Sign into Skype or Hangouts (you’ll need to have previously installed and set up the software and created an).
- Enable video and audio (switch on any external speakers as required).
- Wait for Dean Richardson to initiate the call with you.
You will also have to take some of the responsibilities that the therapist normally manges for you such as:-
- Ensuring that you’re not disturbed.
- Making sure that you cannot be heard by others in the house.
- Preparing any glasses of water you might need (best not to eat lunch during a counselling session).
Dean calls you at the time of our appointment. The counselling process proceeds as if it were in person.
Should there be any disruption in the Skype/Hangouts service or broadband service, we may decide to reschedule.
Confidentiality & Skype Video Conference.
Skype has a position on confidentiality which may effect some couples’ decision to participate in Skype video conference couple counselling – a version of Microsoft’s policy on Skype is here: http://memeburn.com/2011/07/microsoft-and-skype-set-to-allow-backdoor-eavesdropping/Video Counselling Costs.
Video counselling costs less than my standard fees due to there being no room rental. My fees for Video counselling therefore attract a reduction of £5 per session off my standard session fees (see my fees page).
How to Pay for Video Counselling.
If you prefer to pay online, you can use my PayPal payment service (here).
Otherwise, we will make arrangements for you to pay in cash, cheque, postal order or BACS as suits us both.
Important: unlike face-to-face counselling, video counselling session fees are payable before the session begins.
What Video Counselling is not suitable for.
Video Counselling for Couples.
Although one video device (eg one computer) may be used for a couple for video couple counselling, due to camera constraints the couple have to sit very close together to be seen by the counsellor.
This also places the couple into a position where they are both facing the counsellor on screen and not facing each other; this gives the sense that they are consulting with a third party, rather than participating in a therapeutic process between themselves.
So, for Video Couple Counselling two devices are preferable (e.g. two computers, or one computer and a video Smart phone etc.).
Due to the limitations and ever-changing features of Skype and Hangouts, video conference may not be available on your device (please check with Skype or Hangouts).
If you don’t have two devices, it may be worth checking your chosen computer to see how well it captures two people together – and how close you may have to sit to it, and to each other.
And yes … arguments are possible over video conferencing even when the couple are in separate places. They happens as much as they happen face-to-face! Nonetheless, the couple counselling process will still make use of any such exchanges just as if we were in the same consultation room together.
- Dean Richardson does not offer audio-only remote counselling. Dean must be able to see you on camera (even if you cannot see him – e.g. being blind). If you cannot offer a video connection then this counselling service is not for you.
- Skype/Hangouts counselling cannot be used in a busy place (e.g. in your office) unless you take steps to ensure that you will not be disturbed during our time.
- Skype/Hangouts is not suitable for EDGE and GPRS connections, but may be OK with 3G and 4G.
- Skype Group Video (ie a video session with three or more devices) is not currently available for SmartPhones and Linux machines (As of May 2014).
- The same contraindications, described on each counselling page, still apply.
Should you choose Video Counselling?
- Read about who I am – Dean Richardson – and why you might choose me for counselling.
- Check my availability for Skype video counselling.
- Contact me to make an appointment (I will need to know your Skype name (mine is iCounsellorUK ) or your Hangouts account (mine will be emailed to you)).
- We’ll exchange set-up information via email and arrange our first session.
- For the first session, we’ll allow for any “Can you see me now…?” setting up.
- Should the Skype, Hangouts or our broadband service(s) be unusually uncooperative, we’ll either cancel the session or reschedule to another time.
Think that Skype/Hangouts Counselling might be for you (or for you and your partner)?